Driving out crime

City of Port Phillip map

Vote against crime

Port Phillip's criminal incident rate is 56% higher

than the Victorian average.

Criminal damage has increased 23.6% in 12 months.

Council claims “this is not a problem of council”.

Source: Crime Statistics Agency & Council Ordinary Meeting 17 July 2024

The Victorian State Government has failed residents, businesses and community groups on crime in the ​City of Port Phillip. Vital police services are under-resourced. Victoria’s Crime Statistics Agency shows ​Port Phillip’s Criminal Incident Rate at 8,884 incidents compared with the Victorian rate of 5,686 for ​the year ending March 2024. [Source:​crime-data-by-area accessed 21 July 2024].

Specifically, Street/Lane/Footpath criminal incidents have increased 6.6% from 2,738 in 2023 to 2,919 in ​2024. Theft from a motor vehicle has increased 4.4% from 1,894 in 2023 to 1,976 in 2024. Other theft has ​increased 12.8% from 1,000 in 2023 to 1,128 in 2024. And criminal damage has increased a whopping ​23.6% from 687 in 2023 to 849 in 2024. In addition to this, only 24.2% of investigated criminal incidents ​resulted in a status of Charges laid.

Worryingly, despite the statistics and lived experience of residents, businesses and community groups, ​the current Port Phillip Council only mentions Crime four times across all Volumes of its Year 4 Council ​Plan 2021-2031. Of those four, one is related to cyber crime, a further two relate to Crime Prevention ​Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and finally there is mention of shared responsibility with ​residents, visitors and traders to report crime. The status of these are listed as Business As Usual (BAU) ​with no new initiatives or funding.

Only 71% of residents felt a sense of safety and security in Port Phillip in 2021/2022 with ​figures for 2022/2023 listed as Not available. [Source: City of Port Phillip Council Plan 2021-31 ​Volume 1 / Year 4 p.23]

The Community Safety Plan 2019-2025 refers to partnership with Victoria Police, however, ​there is a pervasive view in the current council that “this is not a problem of council. It’s a ​problem for police and other services that is not council”. [Source: City of Port Phillip Council ​Ordinary Meeting 17 July 2024, 6:30pm]

Driving out crime in Albert Park, Middle Park and St Kilda West requires a collaborative, ​functioning approach where Local and State Government, along with related social entities, ​work together rather than finger pointing to alleviate responsibility.

Currently, the City of Port Phillip does not have any policies and programs relating to crime as ​their focus is on community safety and public amenity. [Source: Email from CoPP Community ​Safety Lead 13 August 2024]

That’s why I’ve researched and developed a suite of practical local government policies to ​help us drive out crime from Port Phillip.

0435 990 869

Explore establishment ​of Neighbourhood ​Watch Groups across ​Albert Park, Middle ​Park and St Kilda ​West

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Like my neighbours, crime affects my life, my property and ​my day-to-day decisions. It’s not good enough for Council ​to point the finger and alleviate responsibility.

Council must step up and play their part in driving out crime ​in Albert Park, Middle Park and St Kilda West.

If I am elected I will introduce practical policies and programs ​specifically related to crime including:

Expand City Amenity ​teams to patrol ​Albert Park, Middle ​Park and St Kilda ​West at peak crime ​hours during ​darkness

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Subsidise home ​security cameras for ​residents with ​register of locations ​with Victoria Police

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Publish monthly crime ​statistics and ​initiatives in Divercity ​newsletter

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Host dedicated crime ​virtual town halls in ​each of the nine new ​Council Wards

City of Port Phillip map

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Driving out crime

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0435 990 869

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Authorised by L Sherson 60 Richardson St Albert Park 3206

(c) Lauren Sherson 2024